The ministry of John & Bron Fergusson
© JF Ministries, Auckland, New Zealand
Packed Pokhara
Over 500 from 20 churches attended the first day of our School of
Healing in Pokhara, a tourist town in the shadow of the Annapurna
mountains. We’d held a fairly small school here before, but in the past
the churches were not used to working together. So that was the first
great miracle.
Next day 200 more poured in, including 100 unbelievers. They’d
heard God was healing people.
I began calling out the healings the Lord was already doing,
before we’d even started to minister! Then they were into it, and many
more were healed, including a lady whose breast lumps disappeared.
Onto the streets
When we went out to find sick people, team-member Margaret found
herself praying for a baby who’d had meningitis for 6 weeks, and was
told the baby was dying. After ministry they saw no change, and
Margaret was in her own words, ‘very disappointed.’
But by God’s grace a week after we returned the local couple who
prayed with her sent this picture of the now fully recovered and
healthy child! I had to look twice to see it was the same one (check out
the mother’s dress)!
Nepal Highlights - November 2013
Dying baby healed